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Forum Posts
Sarah Cabug
Jul 19, 2019
In Illness and Disease
I lost my baby, Remy, to distemper about a week and a half ago on July 9, 2019. He had just turned 3 months old on the 5th. He had parvo when we brought him home but had no idea. He recovered from that, and he developed a cough that we thought was just pneumonia. We learned he actually had distemper, and he most likely already had that too when we brought him home, but the symptoms just happened to perfectly align with the parvo ones so we didn't test for it. I miss him terribly and it's so sad to know that so many puppies are lost to this awful disease. It was awful knowing that there wasn't much we could do for him given the nature of the disease. There's more to Remy's story that maybe I will post about later, but I am here to talk if anyone wants to chat.
Sarah Cabug
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